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Webb: playsh

playsh seems very interesting according to Matt Webb's description of the MOO-like environment.Quote:

playsh is a MOO-like text environment that runs on your local computer. The basic object types and verbs are based on LambdaMOO. It's organised geographically, so you can walk north and south and so on. You have a player, so you can take and drop items. You can create new things and dig to new rooms, and there are verbs attached to all of these. There are ssh interfaces so you can connect to playsh from other computers, and other folks can connect to your playsh instance from their own.

playsh is implemented in Python and the game's interactive language is prototype based, ala Self and io, with a couple of neat twists: per-player perspectives on objects, and web resources cleanly incorporated. The only downside, from my perspective, is the big inhale of other toolkits. The thought of installing Twisted always gives me the willies.

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