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Vande Moere: CNET goes NetViz

infosthetics recently pointed out that CNet has strarted putting up network visualizations of its story space. Looks like the viz is built off of the affiliation network of terms and stories.

Now there's a network infoviz researcher's wet dreams of data. I'd put my money on a) most users not using the feature, and b) of those that do, a high percentage getting confused and only using it a couple of times. But I'm just the cranky contrarian. However, CNet has a big enough dataset of information and users to draw some real conclusions, with some rigorous analysis.

Here's a feature I'd kill for in these visualizations. They give zero help in maintaining trails through the information landscape. At least provide a shopping cart, fancy it up however you need to for eye candy cred maintenance, of waypoints so I can keep track of the interesting stuff I run across.

Update: Apologies for the typo in Andrew's name.

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