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Wyman: MSN Spaces Cruft

Interesting post by PubSub's Bob Wyman on having to scrub certain links from MSN Spaces feeds. Those Microsoft RSS list extensions apparently wind up adding a lot of extra, but not timely links to RSS feeds. The arguably superfluous links, e.g. from blogrolls, will be excised from LinkRank calculations, but still forwarded on in PubSub search results.

This makes me wonder, aren't things like this better done with enclosures? This would have the benefit of keeping RSS relatively simple but also allowing for wider experimentation with other micro-formats. Having to worry about conflicting with various RSS factors has to be tough on extension implementors. Pushing the document out of band could relieve some pressure. Granted enclosures were intended for large media files, but there's no reason they couldn't be used for micro-format documents is there?

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