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Calacanis: Blog Search Petition

Not that I particularly care about the success of the petition, but Jason Calacanis is campaigning for Google and/or Yahoo! to implement blog focused search. This raises for me an interesting question.

Is blog/webfeed search now a Google-class problem?

I use Google-class generically for "large, technology company with ginormous computing facilities, technical expertise and financial resources." You could replace the name Google with a small number of other companies e.g. Microsoft, Yahoo!, maybe IBM or AskJeeves. The point being there might only be a small number of existing companies that could "solve" the major existing, problems and issues.

Of course I'd be remiss if I didn't mention that evidence of blog search at Yahoo! has cropped up in the wild.

Update: More details on the Technorati slowdown, courtesy of BusinessWeek's Stephen Baker.

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