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NMH: Daily Me is Here

"The future is already here -- it's just unevenly distributed"
--William Gibson.

Between Findory.com, PubSub, focused crawlers, social translucence tools, and webfeed aggregators, Negroponte's concept of The Daily Me is here. There remains a bit of gluing, spitting, and polishing to make it happen big, but it will happen. However, I don't think the apocalyptic visions of people tuning out common ground sources is on target.

As the tools get better, people will lock onto sources out in the long tail. Niche sources with small audiences. Tracking friends and family. Staying on top of info regarding media objects (text, photos, music, urls, auctions, searches) people are passionate about, but can't be covered by the mainstream press. Keeping an eye on community discussions where community is tightly knit geographically or culturally.

Daily Me tools wil be used to add and augment sources, not delete them. It'll be all about the changing stuff outside of the newspaper that people care about.

© Brian M. Dennis. Built using Pelican. Theme by Giulio Fidente on github.