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NMH: Blog Vacation Over

Okay, I was little burnt out after getting sick, attending the CSCW social networking workshop, attending parts of CSCW, and throwing in a couple of lectures to boot. More about the workshop and conference later, but time to get back in the saddle.

An observation about the Web in general, and the blogosphere (or blogospheres as our President probably believes), in particular. They both suck for retrospection.

Suppose you have a link, or a blog post, and you want to get a picture of the history of that content over time. All you've got is the present. You can't ask Google , or Yahoo, or Technorati, for query results "from" a given time window, e.g. give me all the relevant pages for an old post of mine, but limit them to a year ago. Then you could start to build a picture of the time varying context of a piece of content and better understand where it fits in to the blogoshpere and how it got there.

Not much out there enabling content forensics.

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