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Mizzou JSchool: MyMissourian

Via the Online-News mailing list, the Missouri School of Journalism is making a foray into citizen's media with MyMissourian. Looks very much like what we we're doing at Medill with GoSkokie except with more spit and polish, and as Clyde Bentley reports, more and better organized manpower.

While not busting out all over, it appears that journalism schools are at least giving their students an opportunity to encounter citizen's media. It may take a few crops of students, but eventually the viability of the concept should trickle up the management hierarchy.

Of note as well is MyMissourian's use of the open source Mambo content management system. As opposed to Geeklog, which is mainly a volunteer effort, Mambo appears to have the semblance of a professional development team backing it. As an example, the quality of the documentation is markedly different between the two. Also, since Mambo isn't specifically blogging focused it has a touch more sophistication in dealing with other media. Plus, as opposed to MovableType, Mambo is still both free as in beer and free as in freedom.

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