What was that about "if you can't stand the heat?"
Dan Gillmor linked to GoSkokie. Hooray!!
This apparently set off those blog hatin' blokes at The Register. Boooo, trolls!! No excuse, but they caught the site at a particularly vulnerable moment, dog days of summer and all that. (Aren't all those folks across the pond supposed to be on holiday anyway?)
Also, Dave Ascher dropped private e-mail, mildly protesting my disappointment with his Dynamic Languages article. He rightly points out that to get CIOs and CTOs over the mental hump of adopting these languages (because of course all real hackers know the utility of languages like Python, Perl, Ruby, et. al.), new terminology and a new framing might do the trick. Maybe that could be a strategic initiative for these languages. Seeing how many Fortune X00 executives can be gotten to admit on record that dynamic languages are core to their business, and by how much. Bezos, Omidyar, Brin & Page, maybe get Sun on board, round up an IBM advocate, find someone at Apple. Then start working the big boys. For a while, in the Tcl community there was major effort to collect and catalog usages in the field, but this seems to have fallen by the wayside as these languages have become more popular in the open source community. Mainly, Ascher is rightly promoting a new era of advocacy.
My suggestion: just stay away from 4GL.
Okay, I'll admit that The Reg's headline was funny.