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Heaton: Pomo TV News

Terry L. Heaton muses on the potential for wireless video, 3G & Wi-Fi, to enable new forms of broadcast news. Quote:

Meanwhile, another technology that is showing dramatic results in the U.S. is Wi-Fi, and I think this may become the most dramatic breakthrough in the video news business since the invention of video tape.

Pretty strong stuff. Heaton opines that this could eventually lead to a new, postmodern form of TV news that is rawer, more immediate, and less filtered. He (she?) goes off the deep end a little though, like some of the weblogs versus journalism types, predicting the fall of the current media structure. Then again, this is written from a European perspective.

Prediction: MTV, Entertainment Tonight, and ESPN will take advantage of this stuff long before ABC, NBC, CBS and the rest of the current news cabal.

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