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NMH: Commodity Virtual Servers

Link parkin': JohnCompanies, JVDS.

Both of these guys provide virtual servers (Linux and/or FreeBSD) to the public.

JohnCompanies?: $65 a month, to start. Nice!

JVDS?: $15 a month to get going. Yowsa!!

I'd have to look at the performance numbers, but, there's basically no need to fork over any money to Dell (or anyone else) until you:

  1. Need desktop graphics
  2. Need privacy
  3. Need high performance
  4. Need a Microsoft OS
Frankly, for anybody who's time is worth anything and knows (or can learn) an open os, you'll recoup the costs in admin hassles.

The entry cost of owning your own server is near zero.

Thanks to 0xDECAFBAD.

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