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Raynes: MTOtherBlog

I'm starting to hack on reengineering the Medill News Service CMS to be built on top of Movable Type. Numerous benefits should accrue.

However, there's a tiny problem. The MNS CMS relies on a concept of beats to categorize the articles. I'd like to have each beat correspond to its own blog. Then there could be a "front page" blog that pulls from the various beat blogs. Unfortunately, the tags to pull entries from other blogs isn't baked into stock MT.

Enter David Raynes' MTOtherBlog plugin for Movable Type. Looks like it fits the bill.

Of course occasionally you'll want to grab from a merged view of a set of blogs. For that there's the Global Listings plugin from Stepan Riha.

Best Hawk Harrelson voice: I luv Movable Type extensions.

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